Dear diary, I still remember the boy who couldn’t speak. He was blonde and blue eyed, and he loved popping in tapes and watching the tv. He was in his own world, and when he got introduced to the world around him, he wasn’t prepared. In fact, ... Read the Post...
Apraxia has no Shortcuts
People with Apraxia often require what’s described as frequent and intensive speech therapy for many years. Many parents will hope for something quicker or an overnight success to help promote their child’s speech. When the matter of fact is— Apraxia ... Read the Post...
Well Rehearsed Speech is Easier than Expected Speech
When you have Apraxia, you can prepare yourself for upcoming conversations. Many people self rehearse their speech in their brains, hoping it will help them say what they want to say. However, when we are asked something in conversation, we can go ... Read the Post...
Speech Frustrations That Come With Apraxia
People get frustrated with everyday things, but not that many people get frustrated by their speech abilities. However, frustration from not being able to articulate fully what you want to say is real for some people. The sad part is people can ... Read the Post...