Dear Diary, I was five and nonverbal. If I’m honest, I was scared of the world around me, so in my head, I made my own. My happy place. Because others couldn’t understand me, but my mom could. It was this connection that’s indescribable, and ... Read the Post...
I Never Knew if I Would Ever Speak – The Apraxia Diaries
Dear Diary, When I was a child, I didn’t know if one day I would be able to speak. I remember the eagerness to speak and want to sound like the other children in my class; however, reality hit me when I attempted to spoke. I got frustrated, ... Read the Post...
The Day I Read Out Loud in Class: The Apraxia Diaries
Dear Diary, I still remember the first time I read out loud to the class. I couldn’t read well until I was in third grade, but one day in my third-day class, I did. I remember being so excited and over the moon to read what section my ... Read the Post...
Mom, You Were the Parent I Needed: The Apraxia Diaries
Dear Diary, I still remember being a toddler and searching for my mom, even in our house. I remember clinging by her side when others would make ignorant comments about my speaking abilities. I remember crying in the bathroom and hugging her ... Read the Post...