Dear Journal, Recently I came to some sort of self-realization, some called an awakening on one of my livestreams, that every day is a different day for my speech. Apraxia is truly unpredictable, and maybe that’s where the anxiety correlates ... Read the Post...
My College IEP for My Verbal Apraxia (CAS)
I recently just graduated from college with my Bachelors in Psychology and minor in General Biology. I was so excited to attend college; however, no one told me how to advocate for my college system accommodations. Here's how I fought for my ... Read the Post...
How Apraxia Made School Difficult Growing Up
When I was growing up, attending school was difficult for numerous reasons besides being bullied. Since my speech was so limited, even beyond my childhood years, I could often not expand on speech responses that I would like. However, nobody knew ... Read the Post...
Inside the mind of a person with Apraxia
Have you ever wondered what your children feel like? How the brain to mouth signals feel like when they get lost and fade into dust? How does your body feel after a word you know you wanted to say goes missing? Read more to find out from a ... Read the Post...