Dear Journal, The other day I and my mom were sitting in a physician’s assistant office. Throughout the many questions the P.A. had about my Apraxia; my mom finally spoke up and said, “Jordan has an invisible disability. You look at him, and ... Read the Post...
My Experience with Reading, Writing, and Spelling
When I was a child growing up with Verbal Apraxia (CAS), I had a great amount of difficulty with reading, writing, and spelling. The reason for this is was because I couldn’t pronounce the words yet. If I was unable to pronounce the words, how was I ... Read the Post...
People’s Facial Expressions to My Speech – Jordan’s Journals
Dear Journal, I know in my lifetime I’m going to get some remark about my speech. Whether that be a verbal remark, facial remark, or just a side remark. But what I’ve found is that people have a hard time controlling their facial expressions. I’ve ... Read the Post...
When Your Speech Disorder Gets You Labeled as Defiant – Jordan’s Journals
Dear Journal, I’ve been hearing a lot from parents how teachers will think their child is being defiant by not answering a question. It’s not that these kids don’t want to answer questions, it’s that their brains have trouble formulating the ... Read the Post...