When he fell, he fell harshly. The phrases of others sadistic comments scattered on upon the ground, while the jokers made whispers in the background. He has been used to the quiet, but silence had never been this loud. It just made him get louder, ... Read the Post...
I am the Child: Poem.
I am the child who didn’t have a word.I am the child who fought to be heard.I am the child who others counted out.I am the child with whom others had doubt.I am the child they questioned could learn.I am the child who would silently yearn. I am ... Read the Post...
Five Things Speech-Language Pathologists don’t know about Verbal Apraxia (CAS).
1.) It’s more than a childhood disorder; it’s a lifelong disorder that represents itself differently case by case and differently throughout the individual's lifetime. A prevalent misconception people have is that the term “Childhood” in Childhood ... Read the Post...
What I felt as a Child Growing up with a Profound/Severe Apraxia Diagnosis.
"Did you always know you had Apraxia?" I didn't always know I had a speech disorder, but I picked up people who couldn't understand me by social cues. I would read the person's confused facial expression, and I would soon realize they didn't pick ... Read the Post...