Being at home for any amount of time can cause a person to regress in any place in their life naturally; we can think about the gym as an example. However, we may not think about a person speaking as one of those things that can regress. However, ... Read the Post...
The Inconsistent Nature of my Apraxia Confuses People.
One moment a word I say might come out fine, another, it may come out distorted; that’s life with Verbal Apraxia. The misconceptions about the inconsistency. In my life, I’ve found that the inconsistency of my speech is what confuses people. ... Read the Post...
Apraxia & Self Confidence: Reach for the Stars.
Confidence is something everybody can struggle with. Some fake it until they make it. When you have a life with a speech disorder, however, you’re at a higher risk of struggling with self-confidence. Speech is something most people are ... Read the Post...
Five Characteristics Children with Apraxia will gain.
When you first heard the word Apraxia, I imagine you were either two of these things: worried or confused. We can often times get so caught up in the difficulties of this speech difference, that we fail to recognize what children will gain from it. ... Read the Post...