I thought I would reach a point in my life where my Apraxia journey would end. Where it would be finally done and over with, and I could throw away the keys. However, I’ve found my Apraxia journey never stops, and some old chapters are closing, while others are unfolding. Recently, I have discovered Apraxia doesn’t have to be our enemy; it can be your friend you that work with.
New Chapters
At my core, I’m a writer and a storyteller. I hope one day to be an author. I’m the author of my own story, and my story is going through some changes.
My speech-language pathologist recently has departed from where I’ve received services for the last three years. In the previous three years, my life has changed dramatically. I went through some trials and challenging times, lost friends, gained friends, and reached a self-acceptance place. However, that doesn’t mean my story is over.
I graduate from college this fall. I’m so excited, but at the same time, I have my concerns. What’s next? What do I do? Will there be new life situations where I need help with my speech?
All of this is left unknown, and I have to wait to cross that bridge until I get there. But there’s something beautiful about not knowing all of the answers. My whole life, I’ve been a constant perfectionist who wants to be on top of everything. So, for once, I think this next chapter of my life is letting my guard down.
I’m continually evolving into the person I believe I was born to be. It has taken time. However, the beautiful thing is life doesn’t have a set timestamp. I can change and evolve at my own speed.
What’s Next?
Ideally, what’s next in my life is for me to accept all the parts that make me who I am. Self-acceptance is a journey that’s never-ending but embraces to be whoever you are at that moment.