Dear Jordan,
You’re probably having somebody read this out loud to you right now. I know readings difficult for you at the moment, but I promise it’ll get more comfortable. Give it a few years. You’ll put hard work and dedication, when the people around you who are supposed to be helping you, will want to give up on you.
I wanted to write you this letter, because I know you can get focused and caught up in the now- on the things you can’t do. I know your frustrations all too well, and I know it isn’t easy, not always being understood. I know some people have broken your trust, and you don’t know who you can trust at times. I know things are challenging you in multiple areas. But, this too shall pass. You’ll hear your mom say that all the time, and there’s the truth behind it.
You’re not stuck where you are at right now. One day you’ll have a voice, and you won’t give yourself enough credit for it. You’ll beat yourself up about what you could’ve done better, but that’s just the perfectionist in you. I want you to give yourself the understanding you give other people. The compassion and kindness you give out, I want you to allow yourself to take back.
You’re going to go through a lot of changes in your life. You’re going to be a teenager, which are weird years of your experience, but don’t let anybody change you. Stand tall in what you believe in. I know right now you feel like you have to put on a brave face for everybody. You care a way to much about other people’s emotions before your own. It’s just because you care about people. You’ll evolve as you grow older and question what people taught you. You’re an individualistic person if you like it or not. You have your own path in life, and you have to follow what feels authentic to you. Your values aren’t mainstream.
Always know you built your voice from the ground up. You’re gonna come from nothing, but leave with something.
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